Set up Linux box in VirtualBox for Ruby/Rails development

These notes were used on a Windows 7 machine to create an Ubuntu Server and started with the notes created by who started this after discovering my Vagrant notes didn’t quite get him where he wanted to be with Ruby and Rails development. I started with those and then added more parts as I

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The Development Process for Group Work

Discussions with a good friend this last week made me realise that I’d never put my thoughts down on how students should be building their applications before. Thanks friend, your prodding is greatly appreciated. Sure, I’d been thinking about it and determined what was needed from the software development process, but since moving more into

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CodeRetreat Aberdeen review

Steven Milne and I ran the first CodeRetreat in Aberdeen on 21 April and a little under twenty people turned up on the day. Adrian Mowat from EdgeCaseUK facilitated the event for us and kept everythign moving along smoothly. Adrian ran the traditional CodeRetreat format and had everyone coding in pairs to develop Conways’ Game

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Project based MSc Advanced Computing Science

I’m trying to find out if there would be any interest in a degree where you mainly ‘do the work’ and learn through discussion with fellow students and mentoring staff, who can guide you to what you need to know. There would be no exams on this degree and it would all be done via

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Vagrant set up notes

Vagrant for classroom inspired by at  the 2011 Hamburg Railscamp which I saw from the twittersteam of the event. The goal of the project is to setup Vagrant to launch a linux VM that will run Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3 for use by students without the attendant issues that accompany them

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Thinking about Lego Serious Play and Simplex

For the last year or so I’ve been looking on and off at Lego Serious Play (LSP). I’ve been thinking about two aspects of LSP. First, I’ve been wondering how I could bring it into my university classroom with students. Second, I think it could be a useful addition to the range of skills available

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Reflections on ALE2011

The university aspect I went to ALE2011 looking for a chance to meet and talk to like-minded practioners, thinking that I would come home with more ideas to use in my teaching. Although I knew it was an unconference and I’d been to a few Scotland BarCamps a few years ago, and found them useful,

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Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

Finally got around to reading Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware by Andy Hunt and wish I’d read it sooner. Go buy it now for your Kindle or iPad, or whatever. I’ll wait. While I was pleased to see that I’ve been doing some of the things he suggests already, and had realised some

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Teaching Ruby links and help pages

In the runup and following the Ruby Conf in New Orleans this year the Sarah Allen kindly pulled together the latest and greatest guides and setup tutorials. This led to a few other posts and links, which I’ve now pulled together here so that I have an easy way to find them, and to point

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Agile, evo and kanban games

As part of the MSc summer projects preparation I ran a number of workshops and lectures on agile, evo and kanban related topics. These all went well. Some of them were being run for the second time (agile with Lego and the Evo workshop), so they went smoother, while the kanban game was new. I

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