Mobile Workshop for School Pupils Ideas

As part of our schools recruitment plan to get more kids to come to study here in Aberdeen, and to do computer science in particular, I’ve said that ‘maybe I could do a mobile computing workshop’. Last year we did an number of workshops on Artificial Intelligence as part of a roadshow. That went down

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Git for scm with students

Saw Scott Chacon do a great talk at Scotland on Rails, which convinced me that Git would be more useful than subversion for students to use with projects. It looks a breeze on *nix or Mac, but less so on Windows. The immediate goal is to get Git installed on the department server so that

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Agile industrial experience for students

Students, especially the MSc students, are always wanting to have industry related projects. One way to do this is to get industry to come to us for software projects. This will not happen overnight however. I’m sure the other universities who’ve done this also started small. Some sound impressive, and are relevance to what we might

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