Pecha Kucha Night Aberdeen

I participated in Volume 10 Pecha Kucha Night Aberdeen and talked about engineering collisions for student experience. While the topic came to me easily, it was surprisingly harder than I thought it would be to craft ‘the story’ that held the slides together in a way that didn’t feel like a lecture. The titles for

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Ruby and Rails development of Heroku sites

I’ve been working on a live project recently and found it necessary to see what was happening on the Heroku version as it was running differently from my development machine. Saying ‘it works on my machine’ doesn’t help the people trying to use the site, so I had to delve deeper and work out a

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Play4Agile 2014

Another year and another wonderful Play4Agile conference has happened. For me this was again an improvement on the last year. This is as much to do with the learning I’ve gone through since last year as it is about the mix of people, who were there. I just finished submitting my assignments for ILM Coaching Level 3

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My Play4Agile Story

People attending this years’  Play4Agile 2014 were asked to blog their answer to these simple questions: Who or what brought you to Play4Agile in the first place? I saw Olaf post a tweet about the first one in 2011 and started following Katrin then too, but couldn’t make it. I was able to meet both of them

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The Dream Team Nightmare

Books tell stories to teach us important lessons in a variety of ways. Many ‘howto’ type books tell us what to do in a logical, linear path from beginning to end. Some of these might have quizzes and exercises that help us to learn the materials. Portia Tung’s book The Dream Team Nightmare uses a different device to help

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The programme to learn agile development

While the new degree will bring together lean startup and service design, an important part will be agile development too, so that students know how to use good practices to build quality software. All three of these goes well together. A key goal of the new MSc Software Entrepreneurship is to appeal to those, who

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Play4Agile 2013 Unconference

I was at Play4Agile the unconference for games and playing to help teams better perform again this year. This is full of about 80 agile coaches and others interested in using games to learn. I shared a room with @sven_kr, which was nice as I’d not seen him since last year. It was also good

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The Agile Classroom

The agile classroom in the university should be a cohesive concept that forms a thread through the student’s degree. As the student learns more in the classroom through a mixture of lessons and exercises, there should also be opportunities to use this knowledge in the wider community of the university and its local community. After

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