Interview and videos from Buenos Aires performances – April 2015

pete_argIn April 2015 I went to Argentina for performances and to work with the improvising group Fulgor al Bies (Fabiana Galante, José María D’Angelo, Eliseo Tapía and Luis Conde). Fulgor visited Aberdeen in November 2014 when they performed at the sound festival.This was my 4th visit to Buenos Aires, but the first time I’d been there as a performer/composer – previously it had been working with Crear Vale la Pena helping them set up workshops on creativity for artists and teachers in the city.

As well as working with students at UNTREF, I gave a talk and concert for LIPM, Argentina’s research centre for electroacoustic music, at the Centro Cultural Recoleta. Carlos Murat took some video of the talk (simultaneously translated into Spanish by Fabiana) and put it on YouTube as a number of videos. The quality of the audio for the pieces is not good but the talk will hopefully be interesting. They can be found here:

  1. ABZ/A
  2. scènes, rendez-vous
  3. Three Cities
  4. From Aberdeen…

Bonus track – Fulgor al Bies (feat. Pete Stollery); Work in Progress (improvisation) – my first time, but almost certainly not the last!

Whilst I was there, I gave an interview to Bernardo Piñiero from CEIArtE which can be found here.

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