
Workshop dates: 19-20 August, 2017.

Day 1
8:30Start of the day
9:00Josh Murphy, Isabel Sassoon, Michael Luck and Elizabeth Black. An Investigation of Argumentation Framework Characteristics
9:30Yuming Xu, Lidong Xu and Claudette Cayrol. On structural analysis of extension-based argumentation semantics
10:00-10:30Coffee Break
10:30Ofer Arieli, Annemarie Borg and Christian Strasser. Hypersequent-based Argumentation: An Instantiation in the Relevance Logic RM
11:00Anthony Young, Sanjay Modgil and Odinaldo Rodrigues. On the Interaction between Logic and Preference in Structured Argumentation
11:30Jeremie Dauphin and Marcos Cramer. ASPIC-END: Structured Argumentation with Explanations and Natural Deduction
12:00Zimi Li, Nir Oren and Simon Parsons. On the links between argumentation-based reasoning and nonmonotonic reasoning
14:30Jeremie Dauphin and Marcos Cramer. Extended Explanatory Argumentation Frameworks
15:00Matthias Thimm, Pietro Baroni, Massimiliano Giacomin and Paolo Vicig. Probabilities on Extensions in Abstract Argumentation
15:30 Odinaldo Rodrigues. A Forward Propagation Algorithm for Semantic Computation of Argumentation Frameworks
16:00-16:30Coffee Break
16:30Matthias Thimm. The Formal Argumentation Libraries of Tweety
17:00Nils Geilen and Matthias Thimm. Heureka: A General Heuristic Backtracking Solver for Abstract Argumentation
17:30Odinaldo Rodrigues. EqArgSolver – System Description
Day 2
9:30David Kohan Marzagão, Josh Murphy, Anthony Young, Marcelo Gauy, Michael Luck, Peter McBurney and Elizabeth Black. Team Persuasion
10:00-10:30Coffee Break
10:30Sanjay Modgil. Towards a General Framework for Dialogues that Accommodate Reasoning About Preferences
11:00Alice Toniolo, Timothy Norman and Nir Oren. Enumerating preferred extensions: a case study of human reasoning
11:30Gideon Ogunniye, Alice Toniolo and Nir Oren. A Dynamic Model of Trust in Dialogues
12:00Presentation of results for the International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation (ICCMA'17)