St. Petersburg Geographic Society Exhibition
Oscar Mamen filming Orochen family: Khavan's neighbours packing their baby into a cradle
Orochen man (Khavan) examining a cine film taken by Oscar Mamen
Orochen girl with cat
Shamaness sitting with pipe
Young Orochen child in cradle
Young Orochen child in cradle
Young child in cradle (back view)
Mother and her baby, showing back of top of cradle
Ritual shamanic delken: Wooden bird
Reindeer with pack
Shamans costume. Marie Alekelvna with Olga H.
Oscar Mamen, outside Hailar.
Inscription on a living tree.
An old woman (N.) sewing; Akim river, tributary of the Nercha river
An old woman processing fur; Akim river, tributary of the Nercha river
Humanoid images on the bark of a tree
A female shaman (in traditional dress with her drum); Upper Amur basin
Accompanying the bride
An Orochen encampment.
An Orochen man Bagdarin with his wife, female relative and children; Akim river, tributary of the Nercha river.