Call for Papers & Scope
17th International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms (COIN@AAMAS 2014)
May 6, 2014
Co-located with the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014), Paris, France
download the call for papers as .txt.
The pervasiveness of open systems raises a range of challenges and opportunities for technologies in the area of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems and in their contribution to human and artificial societies. Open systems comprise loosely-coupled entities interacting within a society, often with some overall measures of quality or efficiency. However, achieving and maintaining a `good' society, such as through establishing and enforcing societial norms and policies, is difficult to achieve. This is because of the complexity of real societies, and because the (autonomous) participating entities, their modes of interaction, or the intended purpose of the system may change over time. There remains a need for tools and techniques for articulating or regulating interactions in order to make the system more effective in attaining collective goals, more certain for participants, or more predictable.
Coordination, organizations, institutions, and norms are four key governance elements for the regulation of open multi-agent systems, and the COIN workshops constitute a space for debate and exploration of these four elements that are central in the design and use of open systems.
We seek to attract high-quality papers addressing mathematical, logical, computational, philosophical, and pragmatic issues related to the four aspects of COIN. We also encourage the submission of work in progress papers, and demonstration papers illustrating software tools, platforms or applications of the various facets of COIN to real world problems. Standard research papers should be up to 16 pages in length, while demonstration/application papers and those describing work in progress should be no longer than 6 pages in the Springer LNCS format.
Topics of Interest
A non-exhaustive list of topics of interest includes:
- logics, languages and tools for specifying coordination and norms, implementing or simulating organizations and institutions
- law of open multi-agent systems
- agent societies and communities, social networks, electronic institutions and virtual organizations
- formal methods for specifying, verifying, validating and visualising COIN;
- autonomic institutions and self-organization in MAS;
- frameworks and protocols for organized and organizational adaptation;
- mechanisms for governance of common pool resources;
- discovery, openness and inter-operation in organizations and institutions;
- mixed human-agent coordination and institutions in virtual worlds;
- computers as social actors;
- norm-aware agents;
- participatory simulation;
- benchmarks and problem sets;
- COIN and emergent behaviour;
- Social intelligence