Papers by Ergün Yalçin

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dvi; abstract

Productive elements in group cohomology

dvi; abstract

A note on Serre's theorem in group cohomology

Preprint, 2007.

dvi; abstract

An induction theorem for the unit groups of Burnside rings of 2-groups

To appear in J. Algebra.

dvi; abstract

Set covering and Serre's theorem on the cohomology algebra of a p-group

Submitted for publication.

dvi; abstract

Free actions of p-groups on products of lens spaces

To appear in Proceedings of the AMS.

dvi; abstract

Group actions and group extensions

See also
Adem and Yalçin
Altunbulak and Yalçin
Barker and Yalçin
Bouc and Yalçin
Coşkun and Yalçin
Güçlükan and Yalçin
Hambleton, Pamuk and Yalçin
Hambleton and Yalçin
Hartmann and Yalçin
Okutan and Yalçin
Pakianathan and Yalçin
Pamuk and Yalçin
Ünlü and Yalçin