Papers by Bob Oliver

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dvi; abstract

A remark on the construction of centric linking systems

dvi; abstract

Automorphisms of fusion systems of sporadic simple groups

dvi; abstract

Reductions to simple fusion systems

dvi; abstract

Reduced fusion systems over 2-groups of sectional rank at most four

dvi; abstract

Simple fusion systems over p-groups with abelian subgroup of index p: I

dvi; abstract

Existence and uniqueness of linking systems: Chermak's proof via obstruction theory

dvi; abstract

Splitting fusion systems over 2-groups

dvi; abstract

Extensions of linking systems and fusion systems

Preprint, Nov 2008.

dvi; abstract

Equivalences of classifying spaces completed at the prime two

Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 180 (2006) No. 848.

dvi; abstract

Equivalences of classifying spaces completed at odd primes

Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 137 (2004), 321-347.

dvi; abstract

Vector bundles over classifying spaces

Doc. Math. Extra Vol. ICM (1998) II, 483-492.

dvi; abstract

The representation ring of a compact Lie group revisited

Comment. Math. Helv. 73 (1998), 353-378.

See also
Andersen, Oliver and Ventura
Aschbacher, Kessar and Oliver
Broto, Castellana, Grodal, Levi and Oliver
Broto, Levi and Oliver
Broto, Møller and Oliver
Chermak, Oliver and Shpectorov
Craven, Oliver and Semeraro
Jackowski, McClure and Oliver
Jackowski and Oliver
Levi and Oliver
Lück and Oliver
Oliver and Ruiz
Oliver and Segev
Oliver and Ventura