Papers by Dave Benson, Srikanth Iyengar and Henning Krause

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dvi; abstract

A local-global principle for small triangulated categories

dvi; abstract

Module categories for group algebras over commutative rings

(With an appendix by Greg Stevenson)

dvi; abstract

Colocalizing subcategories and cosupport

To appear in J. Reine & Angew. Math.

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Representations of finite groups: Local cohomology and support

Oberwolfach Reports 43, Birkhäuser 2012. ISBN 9783034802598.

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Localising subcategories for cochains on the classifying space of a finite group

Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 349 (2011), 953-956.

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Module categories for finite group algebras

Proceedings of Fourteenth International Conference on the Representations of Algebras and Related Topics (ICRA XIV), Tokyo, Japan 2010. A. Skowroński and K. Yamagata, eds., European Mathematical Society (2011), 55--83.

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Stratifying modular representations of finite groups

Annals of Mathematics 174 (2011), 1643-1684.

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Stratifying triangulated categories

Journal of Topology 4 (2011), 641-666.

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Local cohomology and support for triangulated categories

Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Supérieur 4e série, t. 41 (2008), 1-47.

See also
Benson, Iyengar, Krause and Pevtsova
Benson and Krause
Iyengar and Krause