Papers by Dave Benson, Srikanth Iyengar, Henning Krause and Julia Pevtsova

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dvi; abstract

Rank varieties and π-points for elementary supergroup schemes

dvi; abstract

Local duality for the singularity category of a finite dimensional Gorenstein algebra

dvi; abstract

Detecting nilpotence and projectivity over finite unipotent supergroup schemes

dvi; abstract

Local duality for representations of finite group schemes

pdf; abstract

Colocalising subcategories of modules over finite group schemes

Annals of K-Theory, to appear.

dvi; abstract

Stratification for module categories of finite group schemes

dvi; abstract

Stratification and π-cosupport: Finite groups

Math Zeitschrift, to appear.

See also
Benson, Iyengar and Krause
Benson and Krause
Benson and Pevtsova
Iyengar and Krause