The links below are starting points for find more open data. Play with them and code a better world. If you find more, then please add them in the comments.
You can learn to parse text files easily by opening the file, and reading in each line via a loop, and taking what you need from each line. Find out more on doing this with
You can use a number of extras for displaying your data
- for using JavaScript displaying your data interactively whatever your language
- provides details about Java implementations
- offers a good list of data sources and how to style maps
Open data on the climate and development to use with coursework
- IPCC baseline socio economic data as excel
- ( many options to choose from)
- (and other tabs on sea level, etc)
These sources provide various types of data in a variety of formats
- the datasets used by the Scottish Linked Data group
- has more Scottish data sets
- is the starting point for Scottish data sets
- Kaggle: Home of Data Science & Machine Learning
- Network Rail Data
- UN Development Programme Data
- World Bank Data
- The Guardian Open Platform
- Real-Time Earthquake Lists
- British National Bibliography dataset
- The Data Hub has lots of data – some is not open, worth a look though.
- Open Data Communities
- Open Data sets by Socrata – a huge mixture of datasets covering many different topics
- The Million Song Dataset
- Wikipedia Database Download. 35GB, just a warning.
- Open Corporates
- Met Office Datapoint
- HM Government Olympic Communication Newsroom
- BBC Programme data – Ads .json, .XML, .rdf for metadata on most pages
- A useful list of data sources
- Species data from London Zoological Society (csv file download) SQL dump file
- NHS / Health Data
- Environmental data from