For a list of my publications, please see Google Scholar. Please drop me an e-mail if you are struggling to get hold of any of my papers.
Current Projects
- SSPEDI. This EPSRC funded project examines how humans can e persuaded to follow cybersecure behaviour. The focus of my research examines preference elicitation via argumentation.
Past Projects
- Scrutable Autonomous Systems (SAsSy). This EPSRC funded project seeks to make autonomous systems more scrutable, allowing humans to interact (via dialogue) with agents to understand why they are acting in some specific manner.
- International Technology Alliance in Network and Information Sciences (ITA). My focus on this project is theinvestigation of the effects of data obfuscation on trust within coalition environments. This work is funded by the MoD and ARL.
- Flexible Integrated Transport Systems (FITS). This project, funded as part of the Dot.Rural digital economy hub, investigates the use of demand responsive transport in rural environments.
- Norm and Organisation Based Practical Reasoning. Funded by the Systems Engineering for Autonomous Systems Defence Technology Centre (SEASE DTC), this project concentrated on the practical reasoning problem for autonomous agents.
- CONTRACT. I was a post-doctoral researcher on this EU funded FP6 project, whose aim was to develop frameworks, components and tools to model, build and verify distributed electronic business systems based on electronic contracts.
- CONOISE-G. I was a part-time research assistant on this project, which investigated colaition formation in distributed environments. Funded by DTI and BTexaCT.