Mark Law is a Senior Lecturer in Physical Chemistry.
Telephone: 01224 272933 (direct)
We organised a Workshop on Molecular Potential Energy Surfaces in Many Dimensions, 30th June - 3rd July 2008 in Aberdeen.
Similar Workshops organised by Mark Law's group:
Wide-Amplitude Rovibrational Bound States in Polyatomic Molecules, Manchester, December 2001. A booklet of short review-style articles by the conference participants, describing their work in the field, is available.
Rovibrational Bound States in Polyatomic Molecules, Aberdeen, April 1999. A booklet of short review-style articles by the conference participants, describing their work in the field, is available.
Mark Law is a member of CCPQ (the Collaborative Computational Project on Quantum Dynamics in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics),
and a member of the Spectroscopy and Dynamics Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Mark Law is coauthor (with Jeremy Hutson) of the I-NoLLS Interactive Non-Linear Least-Squares package.These pages last modified May 31st, 2021