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2. G. G. Balint-Kurti and M. M. Law (editors), "Photodissociation Dynamics", CCP6, Daresbury (1994). ISBN 0-9522736-1-6.
3. M. S. Child and M. M. Law (editors), `Intramolecular dynamics in the frequency and time domains', CCP6, Daresbury (1995). ISBN 0-9522736-2-4.
4. M. M. Law, I. A. Atkinson and J. M. Hutson (editors), `Rovibrational Bound States in Polyatomic Molecules', CCP6, Daresbury (1999). ISBN 0-9522736-6-7.
5. I. N. Kozin, M. M. Law and J. N. L. Connor (editors), `Wide-Amplitude Rovibrational Bound States in Polyatomic Molecules', CCP6, Daresbury (2002). ISBN 0-9522736-8-3. 6. M. M. Law and A. Ernesti (editors), `Molecular Potential Energy Surfaces in Many Dimensions', CCP6, Daresbury (2009). ISBN 978-0-9545289-7-3.2. M. M. Law (editor), `Newsletter on heavy particle dynamics', CCP6, Daresbury (1996). ISSN 0962-6026.