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Derksen - Presentations

lectures at
international conferences
interactions and mass transfer in suspensions – a
particle’s perspective
Plenary Lecture at the
3rd International
Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flows (Tokyo, Japan, 2017)
simulations of solid-liquid systems
4th International
Conference on Turbulence and Interactions (Cargese, Corsica,
France, 2015)
of dispersed multiphase flow at the particle level
14th Workshop on
Two-Phase Flow Predictions (Halle, Germany, 2015)
The meso
scale in mixing processes
4th Asian Conference on
Mixing ACOM 2013 (Beijing, PR China, 2013)
simulations of dense sold-liquid suspensions
EUROMECH Colloquium 549
Immersed Boundary Methods: Current Status and Future Research
Directions (Leiden, Netherlands, 2013)
Dense suspensions - the
richness of solid-liquid interactions at the
particle scale
8th International
Conference on
Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and
Process Industries (Trondheim, Norway, 2011).
Direct meso-scale
simulations of solid-liquid flow
International Conference on
Multiphase Flow 2010 (Tampa, Florida, USA, 2010).
Meso-scale simulations of
solid-liquid flows & avenues to the macro scale
Multi-Scale Modelling
Symposium - A CSIRO cutting edge symposium (Melbourne, Australia, 2009).
Crystals are not spheres
- is there a role for hydrodynamics research in crystallisation?
British Association for
Crystal Growth Conference (Loughborough, UK, 2008).
Simulations of
solid-liquid suspensions: from dilute to dense.
Fluid Dynamics in Chemical Reaction Engineering IV (IEC, Barga, Italy,
Applications of
lattice-Boltzmann based large-eddy simulations.
Technologies for Fluid/Thermal/Structural/Chemical Systems with
Industrial Applications (ASME, Atlanta, USA, 2001).
Agitated and
confined swirling flow.
426th Euromech
& Ercoftac Colloquium (NTNU, Bergen-Tromsø, Norway,
simulations in chemical reaction engineering.
Reaction Engineering VII: Computational Fluid Dynamics (UEF,
Québec City, Canada, 2000).

simulations of solid-liquid systems including mass transfer
BIRS Workshop on
Mathematical Modelling of Particles in Fluid Flow (Banff, Canada,
August 2014)
Invited lectures and
Simulations of multiphase flow at
multiple scales
ATOMS (Applied Thermodynamics and
Molecular Simulation) virtual seminar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhiJY8NNN_E
(online 2023)
Processing of dense
suspensions for materials production
4th International Academic Forum
on Advanced Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing at Shanghai
University of Engineering Science (online / Shanghai, China, 2022)
Simulations of
thixotropic liquids and the way they respond to agitation
EFCE Spotlight Talks 2022 -
Overcoming challenges in mixing processes with evolving rheology
(Webinar, 2022)
simulations of agitated solid-liquid suspensions
Webinar for the IChemE Fluid
Mixing Processes Special Interest Group (2022)
simulations of
multiphase flow
Seminar at the College of
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering
Science (Shanghai,
China, 2019)
Simulations of
liquid-liquid flow
dynamics at multiple scales
Seminar at the School of
Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Shanghai,
China, 2019)
Detailed simulations of
solid-liquid flow systems
Seminar at the Department of
Chemical & Process Engineering, University of Strathclyde (Glasgow,
Scotland, 2019)
multiphase flow
simulations - Mass transfer and particle shape effects
Keynote Vortrag @
Jahrestreffen Processnet-Fachgruppe Computational Fluid Dynamics,
DECHEMA (Frankfurt, Germany, 2019)
Simulations of liquid-liquid flow
dynamics at multiple scales
Seminar at the State Key
Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University (Beijing,
China, 2018)
interactions and mass transfer in solid-liquid systems – a
particle’s perspective
Seminar at the College of
Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Chongqing University (Chongqing,
China, 2018)
Dispersed multiphase flow
at the
particle level
Seminar at the State Key
Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower, Wuhan University (Wuhan,
China, 2017)
simulations of multiphase flow
Applied Mathematics Seminar,
University of Warwick (Coventry, England, 2017)
A particle’s perspective on
mass transfer in solid-liquid suspensions
Keynote Seminar, School
of Engineering, The
University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, Scotland, 2017)
Hydrodynamic interactions
and mass
transfer in suspensions – a particle’s perspective
Frontiers in Engineering
Science, Seminar at the School of Chemical and Process Engineering, The
University of Leeds (Leeds, England, 2016)
solid-liquid flows with mass transfer
EPIC - Enabling Process
Innovation through Computation, BIRS Workshop (Banff, Canada, 2016)
Complex fluids & Soft
matter -
simulations at multiple scales
Seminar at the School of
Chemical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical
Technology (Beijing, China, 2016)
simulations of solid-liquid systems with mass transfer
Seminar at the Department of
Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University (Beijing,
China, 2016)
Dispersed multiphase flow
at the
particle level
Seminar at the Engineering
Fluid Dynamics Group of University of Twente (Enschede,
Netherlands, 2016)
Process design and
optimization -
the case for detailed simulations & Simulations of
dispersed multiphase flow at the particle level
Two Seminars at the
Laboratory for Environmental and Process Fluid Mechanics, University of
Udine (Udine, Italy, 2015)
Mechanical agitation of
stress fluids
Viscoplastic Fluids -
From Theory to Application IV, BIRS Workshop (Banff, Canada, 2015)
Multiscale simulations of
multiphase flow
Keynote Lecture at the
Mixing Session of the Annual Meeting of the Chemical Industry and
Engineering Society of China (Beijing, PR China, 2015)
simulations of
solid-liquid systems with mass transfer
Joint Sidney E. Fuchs /
EPIC Seminar at Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, LA,
USA, 2015)
Dispersed multiphase flow
at the
particle level
Seminar at INSA de Rouen /
CNRS - CORIA (Rouen,
France, 2015)
Spherical particles in
– lattice-Boltzmann simulations
High Performance Computing
for Fluid Dynamics - Workshop CALMIP - IMFT (Toulouse,
France, 2014)
Simulations of mixing
processes - a multi-level approach
Seminar at Solvay Research
& Innovation (Lyon, France, 2014)
simulations of solid-liquid systems with applications in engineering
Seminar at Institut de
Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (Toulouse, France, 2014)
Fundamental aspects of
assurance: meso-scale simulations
Subsea Engineering 2014:
Designing for Integrity and Operation - IMechE (Aberdeen,
Scotland, UK, 2014)
Simulating droplets and
bubbles -
coalescence, breakup, mass transfer
(with Alexandra Komrakova
& Orest Shardt) InPROMPT Kolloquium, Fachgebiet Verfahrenstechnik,
TU Berlin (Berlin, Germany, 2014)
simulations of
dense suspensions
CMIM Group Seminar,
Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Strathclyde
(Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 2013)
Direct meso-scale
simulations of
solid-liquid flow
Seminar at Institute of
Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
(Beijing, China, 2013)
simulations of
solid-liquid suspensions - erosion & entrainment
Trends in Physical and
Numerical Modeling of Multiphase Flows (Cargese, Corsica,
France, 2012)
Hyrodynamic interactions
inertial solid-liquid suspensions
UBC Chemical and Biological
Engineering Speaker Series (Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2011)
The meso-scale in fluid
IChemE / Fluid Mixing
Processes Subject Group. What next for computer simulations of fluid
mixing processes? (London, UK, via web link, 2011)
Hydrodynamic interactions
inertial solid-liquid suspensions
Graduate Seminar Series, The
University of Oklahoma, School of Chemical, Biological and Materials
Engineering (Norman, OK, USA 2011)
Drag and lift on random
of wall-attached spheres in low-Reynolds number shear flow
Multiscale fluid dynamics
with the Lattice Boltzmann method,
Lorentz Center Workshop (Leiden, Netherlands 2011)
The meso-scale in
17th Larson Workshop,
Association for Crystallization Technology (Piscataway, NJ,
USA 2010)
Large eddy
simulations and immersed boundary methods in a lattice-Boltzmann context
Short course preceding the
7th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and
Science (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2010)
Agitated thixotropic
liquids and solid-liquid suspensions - Lattice-Boltzmann applications.
Webinar for
Schlumberger (2010)
Agitated thixotropic
liquids and solid-liquid suspensions - Multiscale modeling.
Seminar at Procter &
Gamble (West Chester, OH, USA, 2010)
of thixotropic liquids.
Session lead paper, Seventh
International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries
(Melbourne, Australia, 2009)
Direct meso-scale
simulations of solid-liquid flow.
Seminar at the Department of
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Clarkson University (Potsdam,
NY, USA, 2009).
The role
of hydrodynamics in crystallization.
Mini-Symposium on Eutectic
Freeze Crystallization at TU Delft (Delft, Netherlands, 2009).
Multi-scale modeling with the
lattice-Boltzmann method.
Seminar at
Dow-Benelux (Terneuzen, Netherlands, 2006).
multiphase flow simulations.
Fachgebiet Energie- und Kraftwerkstechnik, TU Darmstadt (Darmstadt,
Germany, 2006).
6 Lectures at the
course on Computational models for turbulent multiphase reacting flows,
by CISM (Udine, Italy, 2006).
simulations of multiphase flows.
Seminar at
DuPont’s Experimental Station (Wilmington, DE, USA, 2006).
Simulation of
particle-laden fluid flows.
Conference for Mesoscopic methods in Engineering and Science (Hong Kong,
China, 2005).
Simulation of
particle-laden fluid flows.
International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics
(Kyoto, Japan, 2005).
LES of flows in
complex confinements with applications in chemical engineering.
lecture in the turbulence session of the Annual AIChE Meeting
(Cincinnati, USA, 2005).
Simulations of
particle-laden fluid flows.
Seminar, Chemical Engineering, Princeton University (Princeton, USA,
LES of flows in
complex confinements with applications in chemical engineering.
Fachgebiet Energie- und Kraftwerkstechnik, TU Darmstadt (Darmstadt,
Germany, 2003).
Particles in
turbulence - The need for a multiscale approach.
Special Lectures
on Particle Behavior in Turbulence, Graduate School of Environmental
Studies, Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan, 2003).
Suspension of solid
particles in stirred vessels: mechanisms and modeling.
Politecnico di
Torino (Torino, Italy, 2003).
LES of flows in
complex confinements with applications in chemical engineering.
Fluid Dynamic
Reviews, University of Maryland (College Park, USA, 2003).
Application of
Large Eddy Simulations to Chemical Engineering Flows.
Fluids Research
Centre, University of Surrey (Guildford, UK, 2002).

Junyuan Mo, Zhipeng Li, Zhengming Gao & JD in Beijing
Mayank Tyagi & JD
at Louisiana State University
van den Akker, Chris Kleijn, Rob Mudde & JD in Limerick