What's New on the Groups, Representations and Cohomology Preprint Archive

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Papers are only listed here under the date on which the latest version was deposited in the archive.

06 Aug 2020: Benson, Iyengar, Krause and Pevtsova Rank varieties and π-points for elementary supergroup schemes
03 Aug 2020: Oliver and Ruiz Simplicity of fusion systems of finite simple groups

08 Jul 2020: Benson and Carlson Bounded complexes of permutation modules

18 Jun 2020: Chermak Finite localities I
18 Jun 2020: Chermak Finite localities II
12 Jun 2020: Benson and Greenlees Massey products in the homology of the loopspace of a p-completed classifying space: finite groups with cyclic Sylow p-subgroups
12 Jun 2020: Benson Commutative Banach algebras and modular representation theory
(updated version of 19 May 2020 preprint)

05 May 2020: Benson, Iyengar, Krause and Pevtsova Local duality for the singularity category of a finite dimensional Gorenstein algebra
05 May 2020: Benson, Etingof and Ostrik New incompressible symmetric tensor categories in positive characteristic
05 May 2020: Benson, Campagnolo, Ranicki and Rovi Signature cocycles on the mapping class group and symplectic groups
(updated version of 07 Dec 2018 preprint)
05 May 2020: Balmer and Benson Resolutions by permutation modules
05 May 2020: Benson, Kessar and Linckelmann On the BV structure of the Hochschild cohomology of finite group algebras
02 May 2020: Hughes On the equivariant K- and KO-homology of some special linear groups
02 May 2020: Hughes Cohomology of Fuchsian groups and non-Euclidean crystallographic groups
02 May 2020: Gill and Hughes The character table of a sharply 5-transitive subgroup of the alternating group of degree 12

13 Apr 2020: Brown and Leary Groups of type FP via graphical small cancellation

23 Oct 2019: Benson and Carlson Endotrivial modules for nilpotent restricted Lie algebras
07 Oct 2019: Leary Iteration of functions and contractibility of acyclic 2-complexes

15 Jul 2019: Leary and Minasyan Commensurating HNN-extensions: Non-positive curvature and biautomaticity

10 May 2019: Benson Some conjectures and their consequences for tensor products of modules over a finite p-group
(updated version of 07 Jun 2018 preprint)

08 Mar 2019: Benson and Carlson Virtual projectivity and the stable module category
08 Mar 2019: Benson and Pevtsova Representations and cohomology of a family of finite supergroup schemes

24 Jan 2019: Benson, Iyengar, Krause and Pevtsova Detecting nilpotence and projectivity over finite unipotent supergroup schemes

What's Old.

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