1) Download the Non-profit use licence (a postscript file), print it out, fill in the requested details and send the signed form (by regular mail) to
Dr Mark M. Law
Department of Chemistry
University of Aberdeen
Meston Walk
Old Aberdeen
AB24 3UE
Scotland, UK.
2) Send an e-mail to m.m.law@abdn.ac.uk stating that you have sent the non-profit use form and would like to obtian a copy of the I-NoLLS code.
On receipt of the completed non-profit use licence form, a copy of the code will be sent by e-mail (by `replying' to your e-mail request).
Note that I-NoLLS is written in FORTRAN and that you will need the Application Visualisation System computer code (AVS), version 5 (distributed by Advanced Visual Systems Inc., USA, 1993) to provide the graphical user interface for I-NoLLS version 1.0.
This page last modified April 30th, 2014