Research Facility
Plastic Bonded Explosives
H. Tan, Y. Huang, C. Liu and P.H. Geubelle, 2005. The Mori–Tanaka method for composite materials with nonlinear interface debonding. International Journal of Plasticity, 21, 1890-1918.
Funding support
PBX 9501
The high explosive PBX 9501 can be viewed as a composite material composed of 92.7 vol% HMX (energetic) crystals and 7.3 vol% of polymeric binder. The polymeric binder consists of 50% Estane and 50% nitroplasticizer. Estane is segmented block copolymer of polyester and polyurethane, with good adhesion properties. Fig. 1(a) shows the microstructure of PBX 9501, which has a very wide spectrum of size distribution of HMX crystals in order to achieve such a high volume fraction. The size distribution of HMX in PBX 9501, as shown in Fig. 1(b), displays a bimodal distribution with average size of large particles around 250mm and small particles around 8mm. In fact, PBX 9501 is mixed with coarse particles (radii ~125mm) and fine particles (radii ~4mm) with the 3:1 volume ratio. The volume fractions of the coarse and fine particles are therefore 69.5 and 23.2 vol%, respectively.