Networks: From structure to function

University of Aberdeen, 29-30 August 2019

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The sustainome of global goal interactions varies by country income and is disproportionately influenced by inequalities

David Lusseau (University of Aberdeen)

The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are set to change the way we live, and aim to create, by 2030, a sustainable future balancing equitable prosperity within planetary boundaries. Human, economic and natural resources must be used in tandem to achieve the SDGs; therefore, acting to resolve one SDG can impair or improve our ability to meet others that may need these resources to be used in different ways. Trade-offs arising from these SDG interactions are a key hurdle for SDG implementation. We estimate the network of SDG interactions—the sustainome—using global time series of SDG indicators for countries with different income levels. We analyse the network architecture to determine the hurdles and opportunities to maximize SDG implementation through their interactions. The relative contributions of SDGs to global sustainable success differ by country income. They also differ depending on whether we consider SDG goals or targets. However, limiting climate change, reducing inequalities and responsible consumption are key hurdles to achieving 2030 goals across countries. Focusing on poverty alleviation and reducing inequalities will have compound positive effects on all SDGs.