\title{Self-tilting complexes yield unstable modules} \author{Alexander Zimmermann} \subjclass%[2000] {16E30, 20J06, 55S10, 18E30} \address{Facult\'e de Math\'ematiques et CNRS (LAMFA FRE 2270)\\ Universit\'e de Picardie\\ 33 rue St Leu\\ 80039 Amiens Cedex\\ FRANCE} \urladdr{http://www.mathinfo.u-picardie.fr/alex/azim.html} \date{August 2001, revised version December 2001} \sloppy \begin{document} \begin{abstract} Let $G$ be a group and let $R$ be a commutative ring. Let $TrPic_R(RG)$ be the group of isomorphism classes of standard self-equivalences of the derived category of bounded complexes of $RG$-modules. The subgroup $HD_R(G)$ of $TrPic_R(RG)$ consisting of self-equivalences fixing the trivial $RG$-module acts on the cohomology ring $H^*(G,R)$. The action is functorial with respect to $R$. The self-equivalences which are 'splendid' in a sense defined by J. Rickard act natural with respect to transfer and restriction to centralizers of $p$-subgroups in case $R$ is a field of characteristic $p$. In the present paper we prove that this action of self-equivalences on $H^*(G,R)$ commutes with the action of the Steenrod algebra and study the behaviour of the action of splendid self-equivalences with respect to Lannes' $T$-functor. \end{abstract}