Galois coverings of selfinjective algebras by repetitive algebras Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 351 (1999), pp. 715-734 Andrzej Skowronski Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Nicholas Copernicus University, Chopina 12/18, 87-100 Torun, Poland and Kunio Yamagata Department of Mathematics, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchu, Tokyo 183, Japan Abstract. In the representation theory of selfinjective artin algebras an important role is played by selfinjective algebras of the form $\hat B/G$ where $\hat B$ is the repetitive algebra of an artin algebra $B$ and $G$ is an admissible group of automorphisms of $\hat B$. If $B$ finite global dimension, then the stable module category $\underline{\text{\rm mod}}\hat B$ of finitely generated $\hat B$-modules is equivalent to the derived category $D^b(\text{\rm mod} B)$ of bounded complexes of finitely generated $B$-modules. For a selfinjective artin algebra $A$, an ideal $I$ and $B = A/I$, we establish a criterion for $A$ to admit a Galois covering $F : \hat B \rightarrow \hat B/G = A$ with an infinite cyclic Galois group $G$. As an application we prove that all selfinjective artin algebras $A$ whose Auslander-Reiten quiver $\Gamma_A$ has a non-periodic generalized standard translation subquiver closed under successors in $\Gamma_A$ are socle equivalent to the algebras $\hat B/G$, where $B$ is a representation-infinite tilted algebra and $G$ is an infinite cyclic group of automorphisms of $\hat B$.