On the cohomology of split extensions of elementary abelian $2$-groups and Totaro's example Author: Stephen F. Siegel To appear in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra Abstract: In a previous paper we dervied an expression for the differentials in the Lyndon-Hochshild-Serre spectral sequence of a split extension $G=H\rtimes Q$ of finite groups with coefficients in a field. Here we apply that result to the case where $H$ and $Q$ are elementary abelian $2$-groups and $\ch k=2$. We then work out the special case where $H$ has rank $4$, $Q$ has rank $2$, and $G$ is the Burt Group of order $64$. It was shown by Burt Totaro that the spectral sequence arising from this extension could not collapse, but using our methods we are able to obtain complete information on the spectral sequence.