\title{A Note on Cellular Approximations and Torsion Theory} \author{Shoham Shamir} \address{Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield, Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, Sheffield S3 7RH} \begin{abstract} Let $R$ be a ring and $A$ a dg-$R$-module. The inclusion functor of the localizing subcategory generated by $A$ into the derived category of $R$ has a right adjoint, denoted $\cell_A$. In~\cite{Benson}, Benson shows how to compute $\cell_A R$ when $A$ is a simple module and $R$ is an Artinian ring. We generalize this construction to the case where $A$ is the direct sum of all cyclic torsion modules for some hereditary torsion theory $\tc$ on $R$. In this case we assert that for every $R$-module $M$ there exists an injective $R$-module $E$ such that: \[ H^n(\cell_A M) \cong \ext_{\End_R(E)}^{n-1}(\hom_R(M,E),E) \text{ for } n\geq 2\] \end{abstract}