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The Frattini module and p'-automorphisms of free pro-p groups. Communications in Arithmetic Fundamental Groups, Institute of Mathematical Science Analysis 1267 (2002), Kyoto University, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto, 2002, 177-188.

Darren Semmen


Institution:   University of California, Irvine

Abstract: If a non-trivial subgroup A of the group of continuous automorphisms of a non-cyclic free pro-p group F has finite order, not divisible by p, then the group of fixed points FixF{A} has infinite rank.

The semi-direct product Fxs A is the universal p-Frattini cover of a finite group G, and so is the projective limit of a sequence of finite groups starting with G, each a canonical group extension of its predecessor by the Frattini module. Examining appearances of the trivial simple module 1 in the Frattini module's Jordan-Hölder series arose in investigations ([FK97], [BaFr02] and [Sem02]) of modular towers. The number of these appearances prevents FixF{A} from having finite rank.