TITLE: The classification of $p$-local finite groups over the extraspecial group of order $p^3$ and exponent $p$. AUTHORS: Albert Ruiz, LAGA Universit{\'e} Paris XIII 99av J.B.\ Cl{\'e}ment 93430 Villetaneuse France Antonio Viruel Dpto de {\'A}lgebra, Geometr{\'\i}a y Topolog{\'\i}a Universidad de M{\'a}laga Apdo correos 59 29080 M{\'a}laga Spain ABSTRACT: The concept of $p$-local finite group arise in the work of Broto-Levi-Oliver \cite{BLO2} as a generalization of the classical concept of finite group. Therefore, the classification of $p$-local finite groups has interest, not only by itself but, as an opportunity to enlighten one of the highest mathematical achievements in the last decades: The Classification of Finite Simple Groups. In this work we classify all $p$-local finite group over the $p$-groups of type $p^{1+2}_+$. In this classification three new exotic $7$-local finite groups arise. STATUS: Preprint