Paper: Retractive transfers and p-local finite groups Author: Kári Ragnarsson Institution: Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Aberdeen Aberdeen AB243UE United Kingdom Status: To appear in Proc. Ed. Math. Soc Abstract: In this paper we explore the possibility of defining $p$-local finite groups (\cite{BLO2}) in terms of transfer properties of their classifying spaces. More precisely, we consider the question posed by Haynes Miller, whether an equivalent theory can be obtained by studying triples $(f,t,X)$, where $X$ is a $p$-complete, nilpotent space with finite fundamental group, \mbox{$f\negmedspace: BS \to X$} is a map from the classifying space of a finite $p$-group, and $t$ is a stable retraction of $f$ satisfying Frobenius reciprocity at the level of stable homotopy. We refer to $t$ as a \emph{retractive transfer} of $f$ and to $(f,t,X)$ as a \emph{retractive transfer triple over $S$}. In the case where $S$ is elementary abelian, we answer this question in the affirmative by showing that a retractive transfer triple $(f,t,X)$ over $S$ does indeed induce a $p$-local finite group over $S$ with $X$ as its classifying space. Using results from \cite{KR:ClSpec} we show that the converse is true for general finite $p$-groups. That is, for a $p$-local finite group $\plfg$, the natural inclusion \mbox{$\theta \negmedspace: BS \to X$} has a retractive transfer $t$, making $(\theta,t,\ClSp)$ a retractive transfer triple over $S$. This also requires a proof, obtained jointly with Ran Levi, that $\ClSp$ is a nilpotent space, which is of independent interest.