Paper: Alternative stable homotopy classification of BG^_p Author: Kári Ragnarsson Institution: Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Aberdeen Aberdeen AB243UE United Kingdom Status: Published in Topology 45 (2006) 601--609 Abstract: We give an alternative to the stable classification of $p$-completed homotopy types of classifying spaces of finite groups offered by Martino-Priddy in \cite{MP3}. For a finite group $G$ with Sylow subgroup $S$, we regard the stable $p$-completed classifying space $\Stable{\pComp{BG}}$ as an object under $\Stable{BS}$ via the canonical inclusion map. Thus we get a classification in terms of induced fusion systems. Applying Oliver's solution \cite{Ol1,Ol2} to the Martino-Priddy conjecture \cite{MP}, we obtain the surprising result that the unstable homotopy type of $\pComp{BG}$ is determined by the map \mbox{$ \Stable{BS} \to \Stable{\pComp{BG}}$}, but not by the homotopy type of $\Stable{\pComp{BG}}$.