Paper: Classifying spectra for saturated fusion systems Author: Kári Ragnarsson Institution: Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Aberdeen Aberdeen AB243UE United Kingdom Status: Published in Algebr. Geom. Topol. 6 (2006) 195--252 Abstract: The assignment of classifying spectra to saturated fusion systems was suggested by Linckelmann and Webb and has been carried out by Broto, Levi and Oliver. A more rigid (but equivalent) construction of the classifying spectra is given in this paper. It is shown that the assignment is functorial for fusion-preserving homomorphi~sms in a way which extends the assignment of stable $p$-completed classifying spaces to finite groups, and admits a transfer theory analogous to that for finite groups. Furthermore the group of homotopy classes of maps between classifying spectra is described, and in particular it is shown that a fusion system can be reconstructed from its classifying spectrum regarded as an object under the stable classifying space of the underlying $p$-group.