Authors: Jonathan Pakianathan, University of Rochester. Sarah Witherspoon, Ahmerst College. Stephen Siegel (Appendix), U. Mass., Amherst. Status: Preprint Abstract: We decompose the maximal ideal spectrum of the Hochschild cohomology ring of a block of a finite group into a disjoint union of subvarieties corresponding to elementary abelian $p$-subgroups of a defect group. These subvarieties are described in terms of group cohomological varieties and the Alperin-Broue correspondence on blocks. Our description leads in particular to a homeomorphism between the Hochschild variety of the principal block and the variety for the ordinary group cohomology. The proofs require a result of Stephen F. Siegel, given in the appendix, which states that nilpotency in Hochschild cohomology is detected on elementary abelian $p$-subgroups.