Extensions of linking systems with $p$-group kernel Bob Oliver and Joana Ventura LAGA Departamento de Matem\'atica Institut Galil\'ee Instituto Superior T\'ecnico Av. J-B Cl\'ement Av. Rovisco Pais 93430 Villetaneuse, France 1049--001 Lisboa, Portugal bobol@math.univ-paris13.fr jventura@math.ist.utl.pt Subject class: Primary 55R35. Secondary 55R40, 20D20 Keywords: Classifying space, $p$-completion, finite groups, fusion. Abstract: We study extensions of $p$-local finite groups where the kernel is a $p$-group. In particular, we construct examples of saturated fusion systems $\calf$ which do not come from finite groups, but which have normal $p$-subgroups $A\nsg\calf$ such that $\calf/A$ is the fusion system of a finite group. One of the tools used to do this is the concept of a ``transporter system'', which is modelled on the transporter category of a finite group, and is more general than a linking system.