HOMOLOGY DECOMPOSITIONS FOR CLASSIFYING SPACES OF FINITE GROUPS ASSOCIATED TO MODULAR REPRESENTATIONS D. Notbohm For a prime $p$, a homology decomposition of a the classifying space $BG$ of a finite group $G$ consist of a functor $F :\BD >>> \spaces$ from a small category into the category of spaces and a map $\hcl{} F >>> BG$ from the homotopy colimit to $BG$ which induces an isomorphism in mod-$p$ homology. Associated to a modular representation $G >>> Gl(n;\fp)$ we construct a family of subgroups closed under conjugation, which gives rise to three different homology decompositions, the so called subgroup, centralizer and normalizer decomposition. For an action of $G$ on a $\fp$-vector space $V$, the collection consist of the isotropy groups of all nontrivial proper subspaces of $V$ with nontrivial $p$-Sylow subgroup. These decomposition formulas connect the modular representation theory of $G$ with the homotopy theory of $BG$.