The Noether Map I Mara D Neusel and M"ufit Sezer Abstract: Let $\rho: G\hookrightarrow GL(n, F)$ be a faithful representation of a finite group G. In this paper we study the image of the associated Noether map \[ \eta_G^G: F[V(G)]^G \longrightarrow F[V]^G\/. \] It turns out that the image of the Noether map characterizes the ring of invariants in the sense that its integral closure $\overline{Im(\eta_G^G)} =F[V]^G$. This is true without any restrictions on the group, representation, or ground field. Moreover, we show that the extension $Im (\eta_G^G) \subseteq F[V]^G$ is a finite $p$-root extension. Furthermore, we show that the Noether map is surjective, i.e., its image integrally closed, if $V=F^n$ is a projective $FG$-module. We apply these results and obtain upper bounds on the degrees of a minimal generating set of $F[V]^G$ and the Cohen-Macaulay defect of $F[V]^G$. We illustrate our results with several examples.