Numerical invariants of phantom maps C. A. McGibbon and Jeffrey Strom Wayne State University and Dartmouth College Abstract: Two numerical homotopy invariants of phantom maps, the Gray index G(f) and the essential category weight E(f), are studied. The possible values of these invariants are determined. In certain cases bounds on these values are given in terms of rational homotopy data. Examples are provided showing that the Gray index can take any positive finite value. For certain cases it is shown that every essential phantom f: X --> Y has finite Gray index. However it is also shown that there exist spaces, e. g. CP^\infty, which are the domains of essential phantoms with infinite index. The same type of analysis is carried out on the essential category weight of a phantom map. If the loop space of X is homotopy equivalent to a finite complex, then every phantom f: X --> Y has E(f) = \infty. However, in certain other cases it is shown that E(f) is strictly less than the rational Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of the domain. A homotopy classification of phantoms f: K(Z, n)--> S^m is given along with the values of E(f). The invariants G and E provide decreasing filtrations on the set of homotopy classes of phantoms from X to Y. A third filtration on this set is introduced for certain special targets. When the rational cohomology of the domain X is finitely generated, this filtration enables one to reduce the search for essential phantoms (into finite type targets) to a finite list of spheres.