\topmatter \title Fusion algebras and Alperin's weight conjecture \endtitle \rightheadtext{Fusion algebras} \author Markus Linckelmann \endauthor \address \vbox{\hbox{Markus Linckelmann} \hbox{\hskip 3mm CNRS, Universit\'e Paris 7} \hbox{\hskip 3mm UFR Math\'ematiques} \hbox{\hskip 3mm 2, place Jussieu} \hbox{\hskip 3mm 75251 Paris Cedex 05} \hbox{FRANCE}} \endaddress \date{June 2002}\enddate \abstract The fusion system $\CF$ of a block $b$ of a finite group $G$ over a suitable $p$ -adic ring $\CO$ does not in general determine the number $l(b)$ of isomorphism classes of simple modules of the block. We show tha t conjecturally the missing information should be encoded in a single second cohomology class $\ alpha$ of the constant functor with value $\CO^\times$ on the orbit category $\bar\CF^c$ o f centric subgroups in $\CF$. By work of Broto, Levi, Oliver [\BLOb], the existence of a c lassifying space of the block $b$ is equivalent to the existence of a certain second cohomology class $\zeta$ of the center functor $\Cal Z$ on $\CF^c$. If both invariants $\alpha$, $\zeta$ exist we show that there is an $\CO$-algebra $\Cal L(b)$ associated with $b$ such that Alperin's weight conjecture becomes now equivalent to the equality $l(b) = l(\Cal L(b))$. If $b$ has an abelian defect group, $\Cal L(b)$ is isomorphic to a source algebra of the Brauer correspondent of $b$. \endabstract