Krull-Schmidt Theorems in Dimension 1 by Lawrence S. Levy and Charles J. Odenthal KEYWORDS Krull-Schmidt, unique decompositions DATE 10/13/95 STATUS Accepted. To appear in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. COMMENT Typset in AMS-Latex 2.09 No graphics other than Latex pictures. Abstract Let $\Lambda$ be a semiprime, module-finite algebra over a commutative noetherian ring $R$ of Krull dimension 1. We find necessary and sufficient conditions for the Krull-Schmidt theorem to hold for all finitely generated $\Lambda$-modules, and necessary and sufficient conditions for the Krull-Schmidt theorem to hold for all finitely generated torsionfree $\Lambda$-modules (called ``$\Lambda$-lattices'' in integral representation theory, and ``maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules'' in the dimension-one situation in commutative algebra).