Nicholas J. Kuhn, New cohomological relationships among loopspaces, symmetric products, and Eilenberg-MacLane spaces \begin{abstract} Let $T(j)$ be the dual of the $j^{th}$ Brown-Gitler spectrum (at the prime 2) with top class in dimension $j$. Then it is known that $T(j)$ is a retract of a suspension spectrum, is dual to a stable summand of $\Omega^2 S^3$, and that the homotopy colimit of a certain sequence $T(j) \rightarrow T(2j) \rightarrow \ldots$ is a wedge of stable summands of $K(V,1)$'s, where $V$ denotes an elementary abelian 2 group. In particular, when one starts with $T(1)$, one gets $K(Z/2,1) = RP^{\infty}$ as one of the summands. Refining a question posed by Doug Ravenel, I discuss a generalization of this picture. I consider certain finite spectra $T(n,j)$ for $n,j \geq 0$ (with $T(1,j) = T(j)$), dual to summands of $\Omega^{n+1}S^{N}$, conjecture generalizations of all of the above, and prove that all these conjectures are correct in cohomology. So, for example, $T(n,j)$ has unstable cohomology, and the cohomology of the colimit of a certain sequence $T(n,j) \rightarrow T(n,2j) \rightarrow \dots$ agrees with the cohomology of the wedge of stable summands of $K(V,n)$'s corresponding to the wedge occurring in the $n=1$ case above. One can also map the $T(n,j)$ to each other as $n$ varies, and the cohomological calculations suggest conjectures related to symmetric products of spheres. \end{abstract}