Henning Krause Decomposing thick subcategories of the stable module category Abstract. Let $\underline{\text{\rm mod}}kG$ be the stable category of finitely generated modular representations of a finite group $G$ over a field $k$. We prove a Krull--Schmidt theorem for thick subcategories of $\underline{\text{\rm mod}}kG$. It is shown that every thick tensor-ideal $\mathcal C$ of $\underline{\text{\rm mod}}kG$ (i.e. a thick subcategory which is a tensor ideal) has a (usually infinite) unique decomposition $\mathcal C = \coprod_{i\in I}\mathcal C_i$ into indecomposable thick tensor-ideals. This decomposition follows from a decomposition of the corresponding idempotent $kG$-module $E_{\mathcal C}$ into indecomposable modules. If $\mathcal C = \mathcal C_W$ is the thick tensor-ideal corresponding to a closed homogeneous subvariety $W$ of the maximal ideal spectrum of the cohomology ring $H^*(G,k)$, then the decomposition of $\mathcal C$ reflects the decomposition $W = \bigcup_{i=1}^n W_i$ of $W$ into connected components.