Gregor Kemper Universitaet Heidelberg "Hilbert Series and Degree Bounds in Invariant Theory", IWR-Preprint 97-45, Heidelberg 1997 Abstract: The Hilbert series and degree bounds play significant roles in computational invariant theory. In the modular case, neither of these tools is available in general. In this article three results are obtained, which provide partial remedies for these shortcomings. First, it is shown that the so-called extended Hilbert series, which can always be calculated by a Molien type formula, yields strong constraints on the degrees of primary invariants. Then it is shown that for a trivial source module the (ordinary) Hilbert series coincides with that of a lift to characteristic 0 and can hence be calculated by Molien's formula. The last result is a generalization of G\"obel's degree bound to the case of monomial representations.