Cohomological invariants associated to symmetric bilinear forms J. F. Jardine This is a corrected version of a paper that has been published (Expositiones Math. 10 (1992), 97-134). There is a bad printer error which makes the introduction of the published version completely unintelligible. Abstract: This paper reviews the construction of the Hasse-Witt and Stiefel-Whitney classes for an orthogonal representation of a Galois group, and then gives a simplicial presheaf theoretic demonstration of the Frohlich-Kahn-Snaith formula for the Hasse-Witt invariant of the associated twisted form. A Steenrod squares argument is used to show that this formula has an analogue in degree 3. The mod 2 \'etale cohomology of the classifying simplicial scheme of the automorphism group of an arbitrary non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form is calculated, and the relation of this cohomology ring with the Hasse-Witt classes of the Frohlich twisted form is discussed. This paper was written in LAMSTeX, so the dvi file requires the lams* fonts to view or print.