Authors' name: Martin Hertweck Institution: Universitaet Stuttgart, Germany Title: A new proof of Glauberman's Z$^{\ast}$-theorem Short abstract of the paper: It is shown that for a finite group $G$ of order divisible by a prime $p$, an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $p$ and $H\leq G$ such that the summand of the induced module $k_{H}\uparrow^{G}$ which belongs to the principal block of $kG$ is just the trivial $kG$-module $k_{G}$, the indecomposable projective $kG$-module which covers $k_{G}$ is also a projective cover of $k_{H}$; in particular, $[G,\mbox{Z}(H)]\leq\mbox{O}_{p^{\prime}}(G)$. When combined with a recent result of John Murray this yields another proof of Glauberman's Z$^{\ast}$-theorem. Current status: preprint, submitted