Manfred Hartl. Une approche homologique des quotients et sous-groupes de Fox. Abstract : Let $G$ be a group, $H$ a subgroup of $G$ and $I(G)$ the augmentation ideal of the group ring $\Z(G)$. If $H$ is free or is a semidirect factor of $G$, then the Fox quotients $Q_n(G,H)= I^{n-1}(G)I(H)/I^n(G)I(H)$ are computed for all $n>1$, in the latter case in terms of certain tensor products of filtration quotients of $H$ and of the complementary subgroup. A link between the Fox subgroups $F_n(G,H) = G \cap (1 + I^n(G)I(H))$ and the homology of $H$ is etablished and exploited in the case that $H$ is free. Moreover, an adaptation to Fox quotients of Quillen's appoximation of the associated graded of the group ring is introduced and studied in low dimensions.