Author: J.P.C.Greenlees Abstract: We make a systematic study of rational $S^1$-equivariant cohomology theories, or rather of their representing objects, rational $S^1$-spectra. In Part I we construct a complete algebraic model for the homotopy category of $S^1$-spectra, reminiscent of the localization theorem. The model is of homological dimension one, and simple enough to allow practical calculations; in particular we obtain a classification of rational $S^1$-equivariant cohomology theories. The model for semifree spectra is the derived category of the abelian category whose objects are $\Q [c]$-modules $N$ with a graded vector space $V$ giving an isomorphism $N[c^{-1}] = \Q [c , c^{-1}] \tensor V$; the model for arbitrary spectra is an appropriate generalization. In Part II we identify the algebraic counterparts of all the usual $S^1$-spectra and constructions on $S^1$-spectra. This enables us in Part III to give a rational analysis of a number of interesting phenomena, such as the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence, the Segal conjecture, $K$-theory and topological cyclic cohomology. Status: Preprint