Author: Gilles Ph. Gnacadja Department of Mathematics University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-7403, USA Abstract: We study phantom maps in the stable module category {\sf StMod}$(kG)$, where $k$ is a field and $G$ is a finite group. In this paper we almost exclusively deal with maps out of countably generated modules. We show that the space ${\StPh}_{kG}(M,N)$ of stabilized phantom maps $M{\ra}N$ has an expression as a ${\varprojlim}^{1}$ space which allows some control on its vanishing. Then we present a situation where all maps are phantom and need not be trivial. We provide explicit details for a particular such situation. Finally we construct a universal phantom map. We use it to show that the composite of two phantom maps is trivial, and to characterize the modules with no nontrivial outbound phantom maps. Current status: Preprint (as of November 18 1996).