Authors K. Erdmann and L. G. Kovacs Title Metabelian Lie powers of the natural module for a general linear group Abstract Consider a free metabelian Lie algebra $M$ of rank $r$ over an infinite field $K$ of prime characteristic $p$. Given a free generating set, $M$ acquires a grading; its group of graded automorphisms is the general linear group $GL_r(K)$, so each homogeneous component $\met[d]$ is a finite dimensional $GL_r(K)$-module. The homogeneous component $M^1$ of degree 1 is the natural module, and the other $M^d$ are the metabelian Lie powers of the title. (Like symmetric powers, they are also known as dual Weyl modules.) This paper investigates the submodule structure of the $M^d$. In the main result, a composition series is constructed in each $M^d$ and the isomorphism types of the composition factors are identified both in terms of highest weights and in terms of Steinberg's twisted tensor product theorem; their dimensions are also given. It turns out that the composition factors are pairwise non-isomorphic, from which it follows that the submodule lattice is finite and distributive. By the Birkhoff representation theorem, any such lattice is explicitly recognizable from the poset of its join-irreducible elements. Of course a submodule is join-irreducible if an only if it has a unique maximal submodule, and here this gives a bijection between the poset of join-irreducibles and the set of isomorphism types of composition factors. Thus the information provided by the main result about the latter gives natural labels for the former as well. The relevant partial order in terms of these labels is then described by exploiting a very close connection with a 1975 paper of Yu.\,A.\,Bakhturin on identical relations in metabelian Lie algebras. In case $d$ is not larger than $r$ and is not divisible by $p$, the description is relatively simple; for flavour, we sketch this. Consider all possible ways of writing $d$ as a sum of powers of $p$, not caring about the order of summands. Call one such `$p$-partition' a refinement of another if it breaks some parts into sums of smaller powers of $p$. Results of S.\,R.\,Doty and Leonid Krop may be interpreted as saying that the set of all $p$-partitions of $d$ partially ordered `by refinement' is the poset relevant for the submodule structure of the symmetric power of degree $d$. For $\met[d]$ in the special case indicated, all one has to change is to exclude the $p$-partitions which have only one part $p^0$. Status: Submitted.