Title: Rings, modules, and algebras in stable homotopy theory Authors: A. D. Elmendorf, I. Kriz, M. A. Mandell, and J. P. May address: Purdue University Calumet, Hammond IN 46323 address: The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003 address: The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 address: The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 Let $S$ be the sphere spectrum. We construct an associative, commutative, and unital smash product in a complete and cocomplete category $\sM_S$ of ``$S$-modules'' whose derived category $\sD_S$ is equivalent to the classical stable homotopy category. This allows a simple and algebraically manageable definition of ``$S$-algebras'' and ``commutative $S$-algebras'' in terms of associative, or associative and commutative, products $R\sma_S R \darrow R$. These notions are essentially equivalent to the earlier notions of $A_\infty$ and $E_\infty$ ring spectra, and the older notions feed naturally into the new framework to provide plentiful examples. There is an equally simple definition of $R$-modules in terms of maps $R\sma_S M\darrow M$. When $R$ is commutative, the category $\sM_R$ of $R$-modules also has an associative, commutative, and unital smash product, and its derived category $\sD_R$ has properties just like the stable homotopy category. Working in the derived category $\sD_R$, we construct spectral sequences that specialize to give generalized universal coefficient and K\"{u}nneth spectral sequences. Classical torsion products and Ext groups are obtained by specializing our constructions to Eilenberg-Mac~Lane spectra and passing to homotopy groups, and the derived category of a discrete ring $R$ is equivalent to the derived category of its associated Eilenberg-Mac~Lane $S$-algebra. We also develop a homotopical theory of $R$-ring spectra in $\sD_R$, analogous to the classical theory of ring spectra in the stable homotopy category, and we use it to give new constructions as $MU$-ring spectra of a host of fundamentally important spectra whose earlier constructions were both more difficult and less precise. Working in the module category $\sM_R$, we show that the category of finite cell modules over an $S$-algebra $R$ gives rise to an associated algebraic $K$-theory spectrum $KR$. Specialized to the Eilenberg-Mac~Lane spectra of discrete rings, this recovers Quillen's algebraic $K$-theory of rings. Specialized to suspension spectra $\Sigma^{\infty}(\Omega X)_+$ of loop spaces, it recovers Waldhausen's algebraic $K$-theory of spaces. Replacing our ground ring $S$ by a commutative $S$-algebra $R$, we define $R$-algebras and commutative $R$-algebras in terms of maps $A\sma_R A\darrow A$, and we show that the categories of $R$-modules, $R$-algebras, and commutative $R$-algebras are all topological model categories. We use the model structures to study Bousfield localizations of $R$-modules and $R$-algebras. In particular, we prove that $KO$ and $KU$ are commutative $ko$ and $ku$-algebras and therefore commutative $S$-algebras. We define the topological Hochschild homology $R$-module $THH^R(A;M)$ of $A$ with coefficients in an $(A,A)$-bimodule $M$ and give spectral sequences for the calculation of its homotopy and homology groups. Again, classical Hochschild homology and cohomology groups are obtained by specializing the constructions to Eilenberg-Mac~Lane spectra and passing to homotopy groups.