Smith theory and the functor T William G. Dwyer and Clarence W. Wilkerson University of Notre Dame Purdue University x1. Introduction J.Lannes has introduced and studied a remarkable functor T [L1] which takes an unstable module (oralgebra) over the Steenrod algebra to another object of the same type. This functor has played an imp or- tant role in several proofs of thegeneralized Sullivan Conjecture [L1] [L2] [DMN] and has led to homotopical rigidity theorems for classify- ing spaces [DMW1] [DMW2]. In this paper we will use techniques of Smith theory [DW] to calculate the functor T explicitly in certain key special situations (see 1.1 and 1.3). On the one hand, our calcula- tion gives general structural information (1.4) about T itself. On the other hand, up to a convergence question which we will not discuss here our calculation produces a direct analogue ofSmith theory (1.2) for actions of elementary abelian p-groups on certain infinite-dimensional complexes; this analogue differs from Smith theory only in that "homo- topy fixed point set" is substituted for "fixed point set". We will now state the main results, which are completely algebraic in nature although they have a geometric motivation. Fix a prime p; the field Fp with p elements will be the coefficient ring for all cohomology. Let!Ap denotethe mod p Steenrod algebra, and U (resp. K) the category of!unstable modules (resp. unstable algebras)over Ap (see [L1]). If R is an!object!of K, an unstable Ap fiR module M is by definition an object of!U which is also an R module in such a way that the multiplication map!RM!! M obeys the Cartan formula;we will denote the category of!Ap fiR modules by U (R). An object of U (R) typically arises from a map!q!: E ! B of spaces;in this case the induced cohomology map q makes!H! E an object of U(R) for R =H B . ! LetV be an elementary abelian p-group, ie., a finite-dimensional vec- tor!space!over Fp , and HV the classifying space cohomology H BV . Lannes![L1] has constructed a functor TV : U ! U which is left adjoint to!the!functor given by tensor product (over Fp ) with HV and has shown that!TV! lifts to a functor K! K which is also left adjoint totensoring ! Both authors were supported in part by the National Science Foundation. 2 W. Dwyer and C. Wilkerson with HV . The adjointness property of TV produces for any spaceX a natural map X : TV (H X) ! H Hom (BV; X) which is often an isomorphism [L1][L2] [DS]. Given an object R of K there is a simple way (see x2)of using a particular K-map f : R ! HV to single out a quotient TVf(R) of TV(R) or for M 2U (R) a quotient TVf(M) of TV (M). These quotients correspond via to subspaces of function spaces; more precisely, if q : E ! B is a map of spaces and f : H B ! HV is a map inK ,then E induces a quotient map E;f from TVf(H E ) to the cohomology of the subspace of Hom (BV; E) consisting of maps r : BV ! E with r q = f. For any K-map R ! HV, we will let Sf ae Rdenote the multiplicative subset of R generated by the Bockstein images in R2 of the elements of R1 which map non-trivially under f. Recall from [W1] [Si] that if M is an object of U(R) any localization of the form S1f M inherits an action of Ap , although this action is not necessarily unstable. Denote the largest unstable Ap -submodule [DW, 2.2] of such a localization by Un (S1f M). Theorem 1.1. Let W be an elementary abelian p-group, V a subgroup of W, and f : HW ! HV the map induced by subgroup inclusion. Suppose that M is an object of U(HW ) which is finitely-generated as a module over HW . Then there is a natural isomorphism TVf(M )= Un S1f (M ): This theorem has a geometric background. Let V and W be as in 1.1. Suppose that X is a finite CW-complex with a cellular action of W and let M be the cohomology of the Borel construction EW X =E WW X on this action. According to [L2] there is an isomorphism TVf(M) = H EW (XV ) where XV is the fixed point setof the action of V on X. Similarly, by Smith theory [DW, 2.3] there is anisomorphism H EW (XV )= Un S1f (M): The composite of these two maps isthe isomorphism of 1.1; the present paper sprang in part from a desire to produce this isomorphism in a purely algebraic way withoutassuming that M = EW X for a finite