Authors: E. Cline, B. Parshall, and L. Scott Title: On $\Ext$-transfer for algebraic groups Abstract: This paper builds upon the work of Cline and Donkin to describe explicit equivalences between some categories associated to the category of rational modules for a reductive group $G$ and categories associated to the category of rational modules for a Levi subgroup $H$. As an application, we establish an $\Ext$-transfer result from rational $G$-modules to rational $H$-modules. In case $G=GL_n$, these results can be illustrated in terms of classical Schur algebras. In that case, we establish another category equivalence, this time between the module category for a Schur algebra and the module category for a union of blocks for a natural quotient of a larger Schur algebra. This category equivalence provides a further $\Ext$-transfer theorem from the original Schur algebra to the larger Schur algebra. This result, announced in earlier work of Parshall-Scott (Proc. LMS, in press), extends to the category level the decomposition number method of Erdmann. Finally, we indicate (largely without proof) some natural variations to situations involving quantum groups and $q$-Schur algebras. Status: Paper has appeared in "Transformation Groups", vol. 9, No. 3 (2004), 213--236 New stuff: A very brief sketch attached at end of paper on the connections of this work with recent work of W. Turner.