\documentstyle[12pt,amssymb]{amsart} \textwidth 14.5cm \oddsidemargin 0.7cm \evensidemargin 0.7cm \textheight 45\baselineskip \title{The classification of endo-trivial modules} \author[Jon Carlson]{Jon F. Carlson$^*$} \thanks{* Partly supported by a grant from NSF} \address{J. F. C.: Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA} \author[Jacques Th\'evenaz]{Jacques Th\'evenaz} \address{J. T.: Institut de g\'eom\'etrie, alg\`ebre et topologie, EPFL, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland} \date\today \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} This paper provides the final step for the classification of all endo-trivial $kP$-modules, where $P$ is a finite $p$-group and $k$ is a field of characteristic~$p$. The classification had been known for a long time if $P$ has a maximal elementary abelian subgroup of rank~1, i.e. if $P$ cyclic or generalized quaternion. Let $T(P)$ be the group of equivalence classes of endo-trivial $kP$-modules. The classification of endo-trivial $kP$-modules is equivalent to the complete description of the structure of~$T(P)$. It was proved by the authors in an earlier paper that $T(P)$ is free abelian if $P$ is not cyclic, quaternion or semi-dihedral, and that $T(P)\cong {\Bbb Z}$ in most cases, namely when every maximal elementary abelian subgroup of~$P$ has rank at least~3. The torsion-free rank of $T(P)$ was described in group-theoretic terms by Alperin. The chief contribution of this paper is to show that, outside of the exceptional cases mentioned above, the relative syzygies found by Alperin form a free basis for $T(P)$ and do not just generate a subgroup of finite index. This is the final step in the classification of the elements of $T(P)$. \end{abstract} \end{document}