Title : Borel-Smith functions and the Dade group. Authors : Serge Bouc and Ergün Yalçin Abstract : We show that there is an exact sequence of biset functors over $p$-groups $$0 \to C_b \maprt{j} B^* \maprt{\Psi} D^{\Omega } \to 0$$ where $C_b$ is the biset functor for the group of Borel-Smith functions, $B^*$ is the dual of Burnside ring functor, $D^{\Omega}$ is the functor for the subgroup of Dade group generated by relative syzygies, and the natural transformation $\Psi$ is the transformation recently introduced by the first author in \cite{Bouc-A remark on Dade and Burnside}. We also show that the kernel of mod $2$ reduction of $\Psi $ is naturally equivalent to the unit group of Burnside ring functor $B^{\times}$ and obtain exact sequences involving the torsion part of $D^{\Omega}$, mod $2$ reduction of $C_b$, and the unit group of Burnside ring functor~$B^{\times}$.